Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sales, Good Deals and Cool Products - Pass it on!

I had two ideas today that I thought we could all do if we want...

When we are out and about shopping, if we notice a good deal or sale on something that another may be interested in, we should post it! I figure over time, this will help us all learn where to get products for the best deal. With this lifestyle change comes new buying habits and stores to go to, and finding the best deal is hard with kids in tow. I am sure we would also love to save a few bucks for things like cleaning products, baby food, diapers or anything!

I have a few I saw recently:

I saw on Amazon, you can order 4 packs of Seventh Generation diapers for $42 (saves around $10 I think than buying at Whole Foods). Depending on size, it's around 150 diapers. (That's only $3 more than Huggies packs at Costco!)

I noticed at Costco, they were selling huge jugs of Ecos Laundry Detergent. I didn't see the price, but usually Costco is a decent deal.

Whole Foods had some Seventh Generation cleaning products on sale recently if anyone is looking.

Anyway, does this sound like a good idea?

Another idea I had was to post about products you may have come across. Jennifer, you have done this with the cheese, makeup, face lotion and stuff. And I really like hearing about other products before I buy.

Here's my find today: while shopping at the Farmer's Market today, I noticed a stand with Ecco Caffe, a local coffee company. So I checked out their website and their roasting facilities are in Sonoma County. They have organic coffee, fair trade coffee, water processed decaf coffee (I thought of you Jennifer) and more probably. I am probably going to try it out when my Starbucks beans run out :) Here's the website:

If we label these posts "good deal" and "cool product" or something like that, we can easily look at all posts written on them.

What do you all think?


Jennifer Krug said...

Great idea! That's really what I wanted this blog to be about; us helping each other out. Great lables. I think that could be a really good tool for all of us.

Calvin says I'm officially addicted, I need to get to bed.

Just one more thing... he tried that coffee too and really liked it.

Sarah Michele said...

Great post! This is going to be so helpful for me... As soon as I spot a deal Ill tell you guys first!

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.