If the Green Mommies were to do product endorsements, I'm pretty sure this would be our first one.
At this point 4 of us (that I know of) have switched to using Bum Genius wash-at-home cloth diapers. And we all love them, right?! I was using a diaper service and thought it was great, but the Bum Genius diaper is SO much better, it totally makes up for any inconvenience of washing them at home. What I love most is how well they fit. With the service I used disposables at night because theres no way he would make it thorough the night without leaking. Now, the only time I use disposables is on vacation if we won't have access to a washer and dryer.
I thought washing diapers at home would be a pain, but it's really not that big of a deal. It's also nice not having to worry about running out to the store to buy more diapers. I dry them on a drying rack. I do recommend the one-size (fits 8lbs. to 35lbs. and is adjustable to "grow" with the baby) as opposed to the all-in-one. I've tried both. The all-in-one takes forever to dry, which is why I don't like it as much.
I thought using cloth diapers when going out would be a pain, but again, turns out to be no big deal. I use the wet bag to put the dirty ones in, and when I get home dump them in the diaper pail.
So is everyone still loving them as much as I am?
Yes, I really like them and have tried to recruit other moms since using them.
I am looking for a similar thing for Noah at night (he's potty trained in day time) but haven't found anything like bum genius and he's over 35 lbs so they don't fit him that well.
Any suggestions for 35 plus lb night wetter???
Yep, still happy with the switch.
Emily, I think Sarah found some toddler cloth diapers for Jonny but they were too big... I may be wrong though.
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