Tuesday, April 10, 2007

No More Target Trips

I decided tonight that for the duration of my "1 a day for 3 months" experiment I will do no more shopping at Target. This is big for me! I used to love my Target trips. I went into Target tonight and realized that if I really want to challenge myself to do things differently I need to step, or should I say shop, outside my comfort zone. I'm really trying to cut the excess out of my spending. I don't want to buy any more junk. I want to buy as locally as possible. I'm tired of buying everything from China. I don't like how lax their environment laws are and I don't want to support companies who are taking advantage of that. So yeah, maybe I'll start paying more for some stuff. But I'm ok with that. I want quality. I want to feel good about what I buy. I don't want more junk. And I also feel really good when I buy used. I took David to the Salvation Army thrift store to buy a treat the other day, and he had the best time looking at stuff. It was way more fun than any trip we've had to the toy store. I feel better when I get used kids clothes too, and they are so easy to find. I like the set up I have at Sweet Pea in Cotati. I take in the clothes that are too small for Brian and then I can use my credit to buy more clothes for Daivd, which will eventually go to Brian. (The whole having 2 boys exactly 2 years apart worked out pretty conveniently that way!) So I think incorporating more buying used will make up for the other items that may be more expensive.


Erica said...

Now that's just crazy talk! I'm just kidding. That's really cool!

I've noticed I hardly go to Target anymore. I too love Target, but I haven't felt the need to get anything lately. I've been in that stage of not wanting to buy anything until I do research first. It's fun and saves money!

Sarah Michele said...

I didn't get a chance to tell you this morning, I think Jonny called me or something, but I think its awesome that you are expanding your comfort zones. I think you are really inspiring with how many really big changes you are making. After reading your one a days, I sometimes adopt them into my family life too, or sometimes a different version of them. I enjoy walking with my family to Target or the places in that shopping center. We walk at least a couple times a week between Target, Trader Joes or Costco. I really like your point about no more junk though and have been feeling the same. Must be those "spring cleaning" vibes.

Anyway, just wanted to say your doing a great job! I might copy you and give up Starbucks... they have been getting on my last nerve with the waiting and messing up my order, and of course the waste between the cup, sleeve, sticker, the paper the sticker comes on, Jonny's milk container and the receipt. Nathan would just love that... which is why I don't know if I'll do it :P I also don't know if I'm strong enough!!

Erica said...

Sarah I swear you should get the same espresso machine I have. It is awesome! Perfect shots!!! I go to Starbucks maybe twice a week now because I make them at home. And sometimes I crave mine over Starbucks or am disappointed with one from there and wished I had made one at home. PLUS, I make them with organic milk and will soon buy the good kind of coffee (when I run out).

Or just IM me with your order and come hang out with me in the mornings. I'll make them!!!!!!

Jennifer, I totally agree with Sarah that your changes are inspirational. They are so big, it helps me make my little changes :) Which will hopefully lead to bigger ones...

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.