I was just watching a recorded Oprah and the topic was secrets to aging gracefully and they were going on and on about how it is a MUST to dye your hair.
Well I'm not.
I have always thought women like in the photo above with natural grey hair are very attractive. I'm 31. I'm getting more grey hair every year. You know what I say? Bring it on!
Our culture is so youth obsessed. Maybe we should learn to respect what grey hair represents, age. Older people have grey hair. It's part of life.
I am becoming more mindful of all of my actions. I used to color my hair without much thought to it. Now I want to appreciate my hair for what it is, and make it look the best I can without chemicals, and all the waste that comes with it.
Calvin has always been kind of proud of his little grey hairs, and I'm starting to see the wisdom in that.
I used to dye my hair for fun, and change, and to avoid cutting it. But always knew I was going to rock my gray hair when it comes. I hope it's as beautiful as my grandmothers was!
(I've always admired your parents hair too, GM! Yours is going to be gorgeous!) And I recently found out that Robert's dad's hair turned gray in his very early 20's--so his hair will turn soon, and he'll be 25 this year! He's already got a small patch on the back of his head that he says comes from law school!
I think I have 3 gray hairs. I got them after having Victoria. I'm only 31. I must be luckly, cause my Mom got her 1st gray at 16.
I like the natural look too.
I haven't been wanting to dye my hair to hide the gray, just hide the "mousie dullness" my hair gets in the winter. But, I will invest in some good playtime outside this summer, and get my free natural highlights! I have always been leary of the chemicals and I can't afford to get it done anymore, besides. I'll have to invest in more creative cuts - once I am not chasing/carrying the boy around so much!
We went to our big night out a couple weekends ago, and I got my hair styled for it. The way she had parted my hair put my two front gray hairs on perfect display - one on each side (I rarely see them when I do my own hair) I thought it funny, Sequoia liked it. He's been going gray since I met him (before he was 21). I love his gray, and will love mine, too... I am secretly hoping for silver for the shine though! :-)
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