Wednesday, August 15, 2007

push mower

I mowed our lawn today with our push mower which we got as a hand me down from friends last summer.
I really like it for many reasons:
1) No exhaust in your face while mowing
2) Quiet (can mow while kids are sleeping)
3) Good exercise
4) No need to worry if there's enough fuel in mower
5) No need to empty grass clippings (they spread onto the lawn and act as mulch which is good for the lawn)

If you ever see one at a garage sale or even want to buy one new (or you can borrow ours), I highly recommend it.


Emily said...

I forgot to add that its also environmentally friendly : )

Jennifer Krug said...

I just came across this factoid (from Plenty magazine)...

A late model car would have to drive 100 miles to produce as much pollution as a lawnmower emits in one hour. (!)

It also said that 60% of the water consumed in western states goes toward watering lawns.

I am SO tempted to turn the water off our lawn, get rid of the yard guy, and get a push mower. I would like to zero scape the front yard. It's our only grass and the boys do enjoy playing on it, so I guess for now we'll keep it. I should at the very least talk to the gardener and ask him not to use pesticides and turn down the watering time a bit more.

Anonymous said...

I love our push mower! It is so calming to me not to have to mess with all the noise and gas fumes. I just walk around the yard and ponder other more important thoughts. Such as, what should I blog about today? Then I hit a stick and come to a dead halt. But that's just a little annoyance. Long live the push mower!

jellybeanmichelle said...

Wish I could say the same thing!
We do have an electric mower, so I guess that is better than Gas - which the owners Son uses to mow the front lawn. I am proud to say I got the owners to not use pesticides, and I'm getting them to buy corn gluten meal for the lawn instead. Cotati is one of the top cities doing great in conserving water in Sonoma County. My front lawn proves it! I have 4 green circles in my lawn from where the water touches the lawn. I only water once a week.
Happy mowing!

Eco-Mom said...

We have an electric (rechargable battery operated) one. We had a push at our other house (tiny yard compared to what we have now) and we left it for the new owners thinking we would never use it on the size yard we have now. I sometimes wish I still had it. They are not the cheapest things (I think we paid just over $100) - but cheaper than a motorized one. Good for you!

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