Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Armstrong woods

I am guessing that many of you have already been here, especially those of you native to the North Bay, but our family only recently discovered Armstrong Redwoods just outside Guerneville. Its a gorgeous redwood forest and its unbelievable that such beauty is almost in our backyards. It has very easy hiking trails for families to take walks and I think it a great place to bring kids and let them explore nature.

1 comment:

jellybeanmichelle said...

I've been there many times.

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.