Thursday, May 3, 2007

Using Less Tissues

Ok I have to gloat, here's me with our family's garbage for the week. 1 bag! It's a biodegradable bag too! And yes, if you zoom in, you can see the Styrofoam... still room for improvement. :)

One of the small changes I've made that seems to be making a big difference is reusing tissues. I don't know if it's a bad habit, mild allergies, or what, but I "dab" my nose many times throughout the day. Also quite often one or both of the boys have the sniffles so I'm getting their noses too. Most of these "dabs" do not require a whole tissue, but my old way was to use once and toss. Now I have my right pocket for my tissue. My left pocket for David, and a back pocket for Brian (if they both have runny noses). Sure my jeans are a little lumpy, but I can't believe how many fewer tissues we are using!


jellybeanmichelle said...

I've been doing that for as long as I can remember, re-using my tissues. As for Victoria, I use her burp/cloth diapers for her nose when she has a cold. Not as rough as tissue is.

Even with Victoria, we only have 1 trash bag, maybe 2 with the bathroom and other trash cans. And we seem to be doing fine with the 35 gallon can this week.

Erica said...

Me too! One bag that I started last Thursday and emptied today :) Go us!

Sarah Michele said...

So awesome, imagine what a big difference we are making if we are all limiting our garbage!! Yea, thats right, we rock!

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.