Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Make-up to Diapers

As I try new green products I thought I'd pass on my opinions and I love to hear about new products that you discover.

I've been reading more about how unregulated the cosmetics industry is and I was almost out of powder so I decided to see if I could find something more natural. I've been a MAC girl for about 7 years. I kept hearing things about mineral make-up so I decided to give it a try. I the found Mineral Fusion line at Whole Foods and the gal there helped me find a color and said if I got it home and didn't like it, it's returnable. I like it. It goes on about the same as the stuff I was used to, cost about the same, and I feel a lot better about the more natural ingredients. There are a lot of mineral lines out there, so you might find something better, but I thought I'd pass on my 2 cents.

Also wanted to pass on how happy I am that Seventh Generation improved their diapers. I tried them with David and was not impressed. It did take a couple days to get used to the different feel and smell of them, but now I like them much better than Huggies. They fit Brian great and we have only had 1 (user error) leek.

Found anything cool lately?


Sarah Michele said...

I have added your blog to my morning routine of check email, check news and check celebrity gossip online:)
Like I said I am new to this so my current finds are just groceries that you guys already know about. But, I have found some cool products online that I hope to try out, so Ill keep you updated as I get them and use them.
Did you guys get that Terrapass? What were your thoughts on that? Nathan is interested in getting it for the van, he is going to start riding his bike to work so I don't think we would get one for the Saturn. I am going to research it a little bit more first though.

Erica said...

I've been thinking about the make-up thing, and I am so bummed because I love my Clinique! I've looked them up and they aren't so bad, but not ideal. At least I have a lot of what I have left, so I can enjoy it while it lasts :) And then start the research process later on anything new.

We haven't used our new diapers yet, but I've used one before and they seemed just as good. I'm sure we'll be making that switch, especially since it's not much more expensive at all. I still want to to check out the gdapers, so Jennifer, we should talk about it. Using them at home is an awesome idea. At first I was thinking about just during the day, but swishing and flushing at the mall or something does not sound fun! So using them at home sounds perfect. More work but making lifestyle changes does require that.

So I was talking to Matt last night about his point of view and he surprised me. He fully admits he doesn't know a lot and would like to learn more and agrees with doing our part. But he wants to know more than one side. And there is more than one side to this topic: just like everyone else, he agrees there is a problem but to what degree is it a "problem." He believes in researching something fully before making a decision and before making radical changes or doling out money, he wants to make an informed decision. He made an awesome point about the PG&E program that once again, I would have never thought about. I love how his brain thinks sometimes, because his strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa. So I made a deal with him, that he would read that book you lent me for sexual favors (I'm serious!) I know, that's too much information, but it's too funny! He is not reader (unless it's Harry Potter)!!! So that's big for him :) I'll keep ya updated on my Matt campaign...

On another note, I am doing a good job of not going overboard on this. I want to buy all these new things, but I already have the crappy stuff and need to use it up first. So my changes are very slow, but that's good for me because it keeps the newness last longer and I won't feel overwhelmed and give up.

Okay, this was really long. Maybe I should start my own blog :) Nah... I like this one.

Jennifer Krug said...

Wow that's awesome that Nate is going to start riding his bike! And sounds like Matt is benefiting from this whole going green thing too!!!

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.