Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Whole (Foods) New World

First I want to say thanks to Jennifer for allowing co-authors or contributors on this blog. It was awesome of you to start this and really sweet of you to share it.

Today, during the kids nap, I went and took a leisurely stroll around Whole Foods Market. It was my first time there! Now I don't know if it because I am new at this , or because parking was horrible, or because it was super busy there or what but I was so overwhelmed! OK, yes, I do get overwhelmed easily but still, I had no clue where to start. At Safeway, or even Target, there are regular brands and then there is usually one brand, of any product, that is "natural" or " organic". So the choices at those stores are easy.... But at Whole Foods... I literally have never heard of 99% of these brands. Whats a brand-spankin' new "greenie" to do?

Ill tell you what I did. I bought a trial size tube of Tom's Natural toothpaste in Strawberry flavor (2.99 for a trial size?!?). I bought it to see if Jonny would willingly trade in his "Superman", or "Cars" bubblegum flavored, sparkley toothpaste, for this greener alternative. I left with my sample size tube of greenness (no bag, thank you very much) and went home. I felt like a huge dork during check-out but hey.. .baby steps right?

So where do you all do the majority of your grocery shopping?


Erica said...

I am right there with you! About six months ago I attempted to shop Whole Foods for fruits and veggies and I didn't know what half of the ones they carry were! The few things I had on my list I couldn't find. But I love the toiletries and baby section! We'll get better, right!?!?

Jennifer Krug said...

Way to go Sarah, that's right baby steps. You tell stories so funny! I'm glad you'll be able to post whenever you want. :) Oh and I wanted to mention about your decision to stick with the seventh generation diapers, or whatever you decide- I think that's great. I think for change to be long term it needs to be done slowly. And I think there's a balance of expanding your comfort zone, but at a pace that feels comfortable. I think we will all have our hold-outs. I've tried all different wipes and even though the Huggies are not the most natural pick, they are my absolute favorite. I think we'll need to be careful not to judge ourselves and each other to harshly. (Most of all, ourselves, we seem to be a pretty accepting group.)

I guess I had it easy with the Whole Foods thing. Being a vegetarian I usually shop in the health food isle for my meat substitutes. So when I walked into WF, I though it was a whole store created just for me! But as my story of picking out bulk shampoo showed, I'm trying to expand my comfort zone at the natural foods stores too.

Until very recently I did the majority of my shopping at Safeway. They do have a good Organics brand. I've heard Whole Foods called "Whole Paycheck", and that can happen if you're not careful. I'm still trying to balance out. Maybe I'll try doing one week at Whole Foods or Oliver's, and the next at Safeway, trying to pick up the things that I know are cheeper at Safeway the weeks I go there. (In a perfect world!)

I’m also planning on signing up with Laguna Farms, a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), I’ll post more about that when I finally do it. I’ve been talking about it for months…

Erica said...

Laguna Farms is where Rose and Ryan go, right? I'minterested in them too. Let me know what you find out! I want to do the organic fruits and veggies service again, but don't know who to go with this time...

Sarah Michele said...

Thanks for the non-cloth diaper support guys! I feel like with Jonnys second round of potty training that I am up to my ears in dirty underpants as is. BUT, I really want to hear what you think about the diaper service Jennifer. Are you using Tiddee Diddee? From what I read a laundering service is the way to go, verses home laundering when it comes to water to wash and energy to dry the diapers. Maybe when Jonny is trained Ill have that sanity back...Let us know what you think about the service. For now I promise to do my Green part in other ways :)

Jennifer Krug said...

Yes, Laguna Farms is the one Ryan and Rose use. The farm is in Sebastopol but they also have a pick up point in SR. I'll let you know what I find out. I'll probably call next week.

I'm calling tomorrow to set up the diaper service. I called a couple minutes too late on Friday. I'll see Emily on Monday and I'm looking forward to hearing more from her on how the service works, and I want to ask what diaper covers she's found that are good. There are so many out there.

Erica said...

I looked up other local CSAs and organic fruit and veggie deliveries, and I found this website (it's pretty good): I was thinking of starting the same one I did before (Farm Fresh to You).

I am going to start the gdiapers next Monday with the starter kit. I'm excited and will let you know my view on them after a few days.

Jennifer Krug said...

That is a really useful website. I'll add it to the links. Thanks for sharing.

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.