Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Greenie

Ok, so I'm trying to be more Green and I know some of my friends are too. I thought we could use this as a place to share tips. What do you think?!


Erica said...

This is going to be fun :) I've never "blogged" so I might do it wrong though...

Thanks for the book. I am going to start reading it tonight.

I love projects, so it's fun to start one that is good all around, not just for myself or my household.

Good job, Jennifer, for being an inspiration!

Sarah Michele said...

Great idea! For me it all just last weekend actually. I watched " An Inconvenient Truth" with Nathan and all of a sudden it hit us both. We aren't someone else;s kids anymore. We are the parents now and its our turn to shape our own children.I guess we were were a little slow on this point :)But we are 25 and still way young enough to make a difference!"Green " issues were never discussed in either of our households growing up so Nate and I are what you would call "new greenies" as well. But we are having fun learning and it has brought us closer together because for the first time in 9 years we have a common hobby:)It will be fun exchanging ideas and tips with you guys!

Erica said...

P.S. I love your "pasty" comment. I'm right there with ya!

Erica said...

I HAVE A TIP!!! (Since that is the purpose right?)

Did you see the ClimateSmart thing they are doing at PG&E? You can sign up for this new program soon where they measure the CO2 your house emits, charges you accordingly (which averages $4.31/mo), and puts that money toward programs (forest restoration and conservation projects in CA to start with) that offset the emissions associated with your energy use. It makes it feel like you even yourself out. Kinda cool?

Jennifer Krug said...

Great tip Erica. That sound like something I found yesterday in regards to cars. The idea is to conserve fuel as much as possible but also to fund clean energy to the same extent you are polluting. I've seen this idea out there. I think they call it a zero footprint or somehting. I'll post the web site.

Jennifer Krug said...

Sarah, watching "An Inconvient Truth" about a month ago really got me thinking too. That's neat that you and Nate are in this together. I think the decision to make our family more Green has brought Calvin and I closer together too.

Sarah Michele said...

There are so many cool sites with tips and ideas about leaving a "lighter footprint" or even better canceling your self out and leaving "zero footprint" I just read in a magazine that arborday.org will send you 10 free trees and some planting instructions if you donate 10 bucks. Not too bad! And just in time for getting our backyards ready for summer. Its a good way to help counteract our negative impact. I swear I never thought I would be typing these words :)...

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.