Sunday, June 10, 2007

Gift bags/Tissue

I have alot of tissue paper, and gift bags.
Anyone is more than welcome to reuse these.
I have alot of baby themed gift bags, along with some wedding, flowers, and Christmas.
The tissue is mainly white. I also have pink, some blue, and some other odd neat designs.
Now, when I get someone a gift, I can save money and not buy the wrapping stuff.
But, Like I said, you are all more than welcome to it.


Sarah Michele said...

Thank you for the offer but I also have a storage box that I keep my gift bags in for re-use. Its a great idea and you can spend more money on the actual gift rather then 3-4 bucks on a bag!

Jennifer Krug said...

Thanks for the offer, but I have them coming out of my ears too! :) I just organized the bags the other day by size and separated the tissue paper by color and put them in gallon size zip lock bags. It felt good to finally get some order to all that. I don't think I'll ever need to buy gift bags or tissue paper again!

Eco-Mom said...

Thanks for the offer - and it sounds like we all do this! Hooray for us! But, it's a great offer. I know sometimes I have the bag but not the right color tissue I'd like for it. (I have oodles of white, so it's the default) - or I don't have the right sized bag. This might be a great "co-op" type thing to share.

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