Thursday, June 21, 2007

Line Drying Clothes

Today I finally line dried my first complete load of clothes. All along I've been line drying (draped over the shower rod) some clothes here and there, but today I managed to keep the whole load (and it was a big one) out of the dryer. Maybe I'll post a picture tomorrow. I got one of those fold up wooden clothes drying racks. Got it at Friedman's (local) and it's made in the USA. I also took all the shirts that would get put on hangers and let them dry in the bathroom on the rod- then they can go straight to the closet, that's easy. It took quite awhile to get all the clothes to fit on the rack, but hopefully I'll get faster at that. I'm sure I won't line dry everything, but if I can cut my dryer use by 50% for now, I'd say that's pretty good.


Erica said...

I'd say that's really good :) I am picturing where to hang clothes lines once our pergola is up and the backyard is done, and I have a plan! Hopefully we make it happen.

Emily said...

Good for you Jennifer. It feels good to save all that energy. We are so lucky in CA we can hang dry half the year at least.

Jennifer Krug said...

It did feel good. Actually I'm quite amazed at what a kick I got out of it. I dryed another load on the rack today.

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So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.