Thursday, June 7, 2007

Okay, I give in...

I'm switching to cloth diapers :)

I definitely took the easy route though. I did become interested in them after awhile, but didn't have the time or energy (read: too lazy) to decide what to do. So I waited... And Sarah did all the work for me! J/K :) I had intended on looking into it more eventually, but Sarah researched enough to write an encyclopedia, so I just basically picked her brain and ended up copying her. I bought the same brand and the same accessories and should be getting them in the next couple weeks!

I really hope I don't regret this since I didn't really try cloth before making the huge purchase, but I think it will be fine. Matt is on board too so that's good.

I'll let you know how I like it :)


Sarah Michele said...

SWEET!!!!! Go Erica!! Your gonna love it I promise :) If you don't you can sell 'em, maybe even to me. So Cool!! Congrats on the huge step:) How many exclamation marks can I put in this comment!!!!!

Jennifer Krug said...

Good for you Erica! I can't wait to see the set-up too, who know's maybe I'll switch.

nathan's_mom said...

My friend Suzanne used cloth diapers
with both of her kids, and never complained of any hardships. I know when I have another baby I will follow her(and now both Erica and sarah michelle's) example! I had considered it with Nathan, but sort of bent to pressure from some (read: my mother) that cloth was a pain in the butt (no pun intended! lol).

Eco-Mom said...

Yea for you and Abby's bum!

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So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.