Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Art of Contentment

Contentment. That's my theme for today.

I found this on , a website that says "Brought to you by the Cybermonks", it's funny what you can find on-line, isn't it?!

"Do we often experience contentment? In a consumer society we are urged to chase happiness. We come to believe that if we buy the right stuff we will be fulfilled. But then we will need other stuff, bigger and better and more expensive than the stuff that was supposed to make us happy originally. Happiness through possession or achievement always seems over the next rise, not quite within reach, or at least not very long lasting."

I believe this is true, and I have for a long time. But it is so hard to practice day in and day out. That is why I am coming to believe that there is a real art to living a contented life.

Here's just the most recent example of me faltering from the path...

I went on a walk around the neighborhood the other day and saw that the biggest floor plan in our development was for sale, I picked up the flyer and kept thinking about how nice it would be to have all that extra space. Something in the back of my mind was saying "no, this is not what our family needs, making this move would not bring us closer to living our values". But I came home and told Calvin about it and we've spent the past few days talking about it. I even contacted the Realtor!

Slowly my good sense came back. I realized that to move to this house would be an instant gratification move. Yes, we could MAKE it happen. But would it make us happier? I wish that question did not take me a week to answer. No! A bigger house would not make us happier.

We talk a lot about what we want for the future. Which I think can be a good thing, but I don't want to overlook what is great RIGHT NOW. We complain a lot about not having a lot to walk to in our neighborhood (other than Erica & Matt's house!). Well tonight we decided to walk right past that big dirt lot they promised us would be a beautiful park, to a local Mexican restaurant, got burritos to-go, and walked to the park a few blocks away. It may not be our dream neighborhood, but we enjoyed it tonight. Might not be our dream house, but millions would give anything to live here.

Right now I feel very content. I'm going to strive for contentment more often.


Sarah Michele said...

Great post. I can relate to this 100%. Nathan and I looked into (realtor and all) buying a bigger place recently. We looked at about a dozen " bigger and better" homes, convinced we needed one of them. Then plans just didn't quite shake out and its not really a sellers market, so the idea kind of fell through. Instead of being bummed we decided to try harder to get excited and grateful for what we already have... we actually have a home! We had to remind ourselves about how well we are doing at age 25 and to be happy for that! It is hard in this society to stop trying to keep up with everyone around you. Luckily, a lot of the people around us are you ladies! So we can all help each other I guess!
Ok, this was kind of a rambling comment, hopefully you get the gist.

jellybeanmichelle said...

Well, I can say I'm with happy with some areas of my life.
But, I want to buy a house! I'm tired of paying rent money that is going no where. But in order to afford a house, we would have to move. Almost stuck between a rock and a hard place. We love Cotati and can walk anywhere in distance, but we need something our money can work for, and not pay someone else's retirement!

Erica said...

I hear you on this one; I often wish we had just one more bedroom or loft. But lately I've been daydreaming of having a smaller, simpler home that had a big yard somewhere out in the country. I think Sarah B's move stirred this in me. Just yesterday I was talking about having a place where Emma and Abby can roam around in nature. The grass is always greener...

We are fixing up our backyard soon with planter boxes, flowers, more grass and shade! I'm really looking forward to that.

As a kid, a house like ours was like a dream house to me, so I really love this place. But there are things I would change if I could. But there are always things you aren't going to love, so I am happy as things are.

Emily said...

It is so nice to read your posts everyone. When Cameron and I moved from 1600 sf to 1000 sf (what we have now) I was nervous about downsizing but there have been so many benefits...Less space to clean up, less to heat and cool, more forced family togetherness (this one isn't always so great : )but it really does force us to get along and make it work. Theres not much space to get away from everyone.....

Erica said...

Emily, those are exactly the reasons I would want to move to a smaller place! In fact, it's your house and Sarah B's house that make me want to move :) Just the right amount of space that is needed with a great backyard. Our house isn't much bigger but there is less character I think. I guess we have to add more of "us" to it!

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.