Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Blue Day - Caution More Period Talk

So today has been one of those "Blue" days, you know what I mean? Just kind of irritable for no good reason (ok, it probably is because of the time of the month, but I hate to blame it on that).

Usually when I feel this way I do one of two things. I write in my journal. Or, I tell Calvin I need a late night Target trip after the boys go to bed. Well I must be getting my writing out, because I just did not feel like writing in my journal. And I've sworn off Target. And I really don't miss it much. Salvation Army's not open late enough to go do therapy shopping. So what did I do? I read the Crunchy Chicken blog and links to alternative menstrual products for about an hour. Was it really an hour?! It gave me some good laughs and I think by next cycle I'll try something new. The extent of my green-ness in this department so far is the Seventh Generation panty liners, I too was disappointed that they were individually wrapped. I noticed quite a selection at Olivers, I bet there's another brand that's not.

Here's the website I've been checking out that has me very intrigued to try something new...


Eco-Mom said...

I love that they sell chocolates, too! They know us gals...

I like the festive hot pink. Ooooh. I think this line would make me feel less country hippy... A little pizzaz, not so "kitchen towel".

Thanks for passing it on.

Erica said...

Oh man, I know those days. I call them my "blah" days. I had a few last week although I attribute them to stress over the preschool :)

I too love the patterns! Cracks me up...

jellybeanmichelle said...

I get those days to.
I checked out that site.
I don't really want to wear a diaper between my legs. When I wore pads, that is what it felt like. I did see the other blog about the divacup. I'm not sure if that is for me.
Right now I use Always pantiliners. They don't have individual wrapping. And I use Tampax - Says they are bio-degrade-able(sp?) and made of cotton. Doesn't say anything about bleach.

nathan's_mom said...

My friend Kelly told me at one point that she was using sea-sponges as a tampon...Please ladies, learn from her past and DON'T use them. There is nothing 'sanitary' about them! The sponge breaks apart...(I think that's all I need to say)

Although they have a bunch of other really cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

I love my DivaCup!! Should have been using this years ago. The best price I found is at South Coast Shopping for only $17.99 and arrived in only 2 days! Model 1 and Model 2

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.