Tuesday, May 15, 2007

For the girls...

Not for the "Too Much Info" Shy....

Okay, so I decided I would try the 7th Generation line of feminine products. I am used to OB's, so the tampons were not an issue. The other item I needed to refill was pantyliners. What confuses me with them is that they individually wrap each liner. Kotex doesn't, so I think I'll stick with them. I haven't done the maxi's yet. But it got me to wondering, is bleach-free better or no excess wrapping? With the tampons, I'll take bleach-free (and with no applicator, less waste!).

I saw on one of the many organic fabric sites I have been perusing where they have the old fashion style (cloth) options... anyone out there up for being THAT green????? :-)

And I have to share something funny Sequoia said to me. When talking to him about all the efforts and changes I'd like to make (and hopes for us as a family to make) in being greener, I had used the phrase "getting hippy". He said he would support me in being as much of a green hippy as I wanted, as long as I continue to shave and shower! ha ha ha


Jennifer Krug said...

Well, "Aunt Flow" just returned today, so how timely!

For some funny reading check out this blog's discussion on the Diva Cup- crunchychicken.blogspot.com/ I need to go back and read some more before I decide if I want to give it a try. Once at a La Leche meeting, the subject came up and a bunch of women started raving about it. Whatever works.

Erica said...

Mine will start within 5 days, I betcha! And I plan on getting 7th generation or something else bleach-less. Although I'll probably go for extra packaging 'cause the idea of all those chemicals near my hoo-ha is icky :) Maybe there's another brand made the same with less packaging? I'll check next time I am at Pacific.

And the Diva Cup sounds ideal, but that just scares me... I'll have to be convinced.

Sarah Michele said...

OK am I the only one that cracked up at "hoo-ha"??

This is an appropriate topic for myself too, I thought I was cycling with Erica, but I started today so I guess I'm with Jennifer now... Does this mean we see to much of each other? Never!

Did a little research on the cloth pads and they do seem like a good option for those willing to do the laundry. I think I would have to practice on diapers first :)

As far as the Diva Cup goes I'm willing to give it a try. They used to have this product called "Instead" which is essentially the same idea (a cup)but it was a one time use deal. I used that occasionally a few years back and it wasn't that bad.

Jennifer if you give it a try, you have to be brave and post on it OK?

I also noticed that the Seventh Generation liners were individually wrapped and it made me skip them and go for my normal stuff last time around. I am on the look out for a bleach/chemical free, not individually wrapped option. Whoever finds one let me know please :)

Eco-Mom said...

Wow, I wasn't expecting any comments, let alone interested ones! Okay, so the Diva Cup is sold at our local Whole Foods, Oliver's and Community Market. I'll be willing to give it a try. I will even brave the cloth pads to review. But, we will have to wait a month...

My interest in the Diva Cup (thanks for sharing that, Jennifer) is one of my sisters was hospitalized with that TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) from tampons - years ago, but still. So, I haven't ever really liked the whole idea of tampons, but hate the idea of full-time pads more.

Eco-Mom said...

Oh and yes, I laughed at the "hoo-ha" comment, too. With a inquisitive little one in the house, boys have a peenee(his pediatrician started that when he had his very first exam in the hospital - he said he had a peenee and two eggs in the basket!) and girls have a hoochie coochie. (there's just no cute way to say "vagina")

Erica said...

I just checked out the DivaCup website and I'd be willing to try it out too.

We actually say "lulu" in our house and Emma can't say her Ls so it's "yuyu." My mom started that one :) Hoochie coochie is hilarious though!

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.