Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Green Documentary's - Green Shopping

So I keep hearing about all these documentaries I want to see, so we finally did it- signed up for Netflix. (Does that count for a green one a day? No more trips to the video store!) I have Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price waiting for me to watch.

I also found this Documentary Junky - My Space Page that has a bunch of interesting documentaries. I watched the one on Toxic Textiles.

I went out shopping tonight for some clothes. So earlier, I said I would buy only organic or used. I went to Plato's Closet. A consignment shop. I was not overly impressed. I did buy 2 used jeans and a tee shirt. What I didn't like was all the cheep NEW! Dollar Store type crap they had all over the store. Plus I felt really old in there. It is marketed as a teen fashion store, so I had a fair warning. I do think it is a good concept.

Ok, so here's my confession. Next I went to Marshall's. Rated, I don't remember exactly- but really bad- by The Better World Shopping Guide. I did use a store credit I've been carrying around forever but my purchase went over and I got a top I really like, but could have done without. Man! It's hard to shop with a conscious! It was not enjoyable, I felt guilty.

What I learned tonight is to stay out of the tempting stores that I know I don't want to support.

I'm trying so hard to do all the right things. But it will take time to align all my purchases with my values the way I want to. I have made great strides just in a matter of months. I may backslide, but I'll keep doing the best I can.

1 comment:

Eco-Mom said...

I go through the same guilt. I, too, am battling the reality of what I can do and what I want to do and what I should do. No one is perfect and nothing changes overnight. Baby steps, gals! Even if we purchase (or do)something that doesn't exactly align with our values, the fact that we have it in our consciousness puts us in the game and will make a difference.

I am finding the textile area an expensive one... or a more difficult one to shop (since at second hand places there's more sifting to do and a 3-yr old isn't up for that!) I have resolved that for now I won't really shop - and therefore, save money! :-)

Thanks for letting us know about Plato's. Saves me a trip.

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So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.