Sunday, April 15, 2007

The 35 Gallon Challenge

So when I pulled up to my house yesterday after running an errand, I noticed that my garbage can (which was lazily left out since Fridays pick-up) had shrunk. Yep, shrunk. I was convinced that someone in my neighborhood gave me their small 35 gallon can and took my spacious 96 gallon garbage oasis. I took a closer look and realized that this small can was brand new, no residue at all at the bottom. So I called Empire Waste Management to see what was up. As it turns out they did a "route audit" and the entire time I have lived here ( 3 years in June), I have been paying for the 35 gallon can, and basically stealing 61 gallons of land fill space each and every week. Go me ...

Well the last thing I need is a more expensive bill, so Nate and I decided to see this as a challenge. We are going to try our absolute hardest to only make 35 gallons of trash a week. This means being extra diligent about recycling and using disposable things more sparingly. It will be a great green step for us. I really don't know if we can do it but we are going to try. Ill let you know on Friday how we did and I promise to admit it if I use my neighbors can when they aren't home...


Erica said...

That's funny you mention that because I was going to call and order the smaller can because we hardly ever fill ours up. It's a lot cheaper too from what I remember.

Sarah Michele said...

I always the thought the 96 gallon was so cheap :) oops!

Jennifer Krug said...

Sounds like fate!

Emily said...

I think you will find it pretty easy. Good for you for being up to the challenge. If you haven't already, check out the city's recycling guide to see whats recyclable. You may be surprised at a lot of the stuff they take now that they didn't take relatively recently. ( I was )I bet you will be surprised like we were after ordering our 35 gal, that most weeks you wont even have it filled half way (but your recycling bin will be overflowing):)
One thing I have found handy around this issue is to have a recycling container and a compost container as close in proximity to the kitchen as the trash is. That way I wont dump "stuff" in the trash because its closer and more convenient. Maybe you already do that but I know that set up has helped me. Good luck! You can do it!

Sarah Michele said...

Thanks Emily! I just set up small composting container for the fruits and veggies and I have a big basket for recycling thats not too far away. I have that recycling guide bookmarked on my computer for anything I am not sure about.. So far my new can is not even half way full! I think I might just make it :)

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.