Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Taking Shorter Showers

This was one area I never thought I'd budge. I LOVE my long hot shower at the end of the day. The other day I read what a difference it would make if everyone made their shower just 1 minute shorter. That, I can do. I set up my shower products in a row and now I just go down the line and silly as it sounds this has helped me to shave off a minute or two. I think I spaced out a lot before inbetween steps (come on you're sleep deprived Mom's too, sometimes it takes a lot to remember what comes after the shampoo!).


Erica said...

Sometimes I shampoo twice then wonder why my hair isn't all silky and conditioned or I condition first and thing "CRAP!" or I space out and wonder if I've already washed my hair or not. It's crazy how babies steal your brain cells. Way to go on the shorter shower thing! Mine are always crazy fast because I have Emma doing who knows what in my room and Abby fussing up a storm in her bouncer :) Maybe I'll try night ones for a week or so to relax...

Sarah Michele said...

They have shower timers for those who really space out. I want Nathan to use one since he "wakes up" in the shower. He seriously spends 20 minutes in there, its ridiculous. i want to get him down to 10. Even 10 is a luxury, I shower with both kids around, Jonny getting into stuff and Elliot complaining cause shes outgrowing her bouncy chair!! I am lucky if I fully rinse off before I have to get out... Good tip Jennifer!

Sarah Michele said...

Ok whoa, we just commented at the same time and said almost the same thing...

Eco-Mom said...

Even with a three year-old and no baby, I still hardly have a moment to luxuriate in the shower. I am lucky the hair gets washed and pits shaved! (TMI??) :-)

Great on shaving the time. I'll time myself and see how much I can shave off. Sequoia is the one I really need to work on. Poor guy probably falls asleep in there himself!

Emily said...

Doing small things like turning the water off while shaving, lathering etc can cut shower time in half. I am a member at the YMCA and it kills me to see many women who turn on the shower and walk away for literally minutes while their shower "heats up" which usually only takes a few seconds.
When I am tempted to waste water, which is often, I think of all the people in other countries who have to walk miles to get their clean water (and thats just for drinking) and there is no such thing as a hot shower in most developing countries. Keeping this in mind helps me conserve water when I think of how lucky we are just to have running water in our homes that is safe to drink. Many people in the world would consider this a luxury ...so, good for EVERYONE who are trying to conserve water . That is awesome.

Eco-Mom said...

I feel the same way, Emily. Once my garden is planted, I am planning on putting a large bucket in the shower to collect the water while it's heating up and use that to water each day.

One thing my dad did for his garden was to compost, and collect rain water in a large garbage can. He put some kind of oil on the top of the water to discourage mosquitoes - obviously safe for plants - and would use that to water the garden. I have fond memories of home grown tomatoes and cannot wait to build more with Sequoia and Avery.

We tend to wash faces and hands at the kitchen sink since it's closest to the water heater, and therefore take less time to heat up. (Like, almost no time!) Unfortunately, the shower is on the opposite side of the house. But, our water heater is old and we want to look into those on-demand tankless ones to replace it.

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.