Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not Buying It

Following is an email Emily sent me that she asked me to post.

I like her idea of a "book club". I was thinking it would be fun to have some sort of Green Mommy get-together. Maybe we could have some sort of standing date once a month. Let me know what you think.



Hi Jennifer -

I really enjoyed your blog entry today about shopping (or not shopping). I have had the same sorts of thoughts. I have tried to figure out why I shop and have realized that many times it is out of boredom. I think we are taught at an early age through TV commercials, peers, EVERYWHERE we turn...that shopping will make us happy, bring us excitement, contentment etc. I have been slowly learning that it does none of those things LONG term. In fact, I feel it does the opposite. The more I look around at all our "stuff" the more I feel weighted down, heavy, "consumed" as a consumer. I have caught myself buying things because they were cheap, not because I needed them MANY times. The times when I am able to resist buying something I initially had an impulse to buy or give away things that were just cluttering our lives instead of adding to our lives, I have felt lighter, even happier.

I remember during one episode on Oprah (yes I am guilty of being an Oprah watcher) she had on a guest that helped people "purge" their unnecessary belongings that were literally causing chaos in their lives, relationships, marriages, etc. These people were wading in stuff in their homes and it was all because they thought that the more "stuff" they had, the happier they would be. Anyway, he explained that many people view their stuff as a life raft/safety net when really it is an anchor pulling them down.

There is a book I have been wanting to read called "Not Buying It: My Year without Shopping" by Judith Levine, ever since I heard her interviewed on NPR's Forum program a month or two ago. I bet you can listen to it online if you wanted ( But it was a really interesting interview about her insights, struggles, inspiration during that year of not (or very limited) buying STUFF.

I don't envision myself not buying anything for the next year, or even the next week....or day (in fact, I think in our society that is virtually impossible since we no longer make our own food, clothes etc) but I do think the book would pose some interesting discussion topics and thought if you and the other moms involved with your Eco-blog were interested, we could read the book together and set up a meeting time in the next month or two to discuss it...What do you think?

I would have posted this on your blog but I don't know how yet. I have just figured out how to comment...Maybe you could post this email on your blog and see if there is any response?

Thanks Jennifer. I appreciate your blog and have really appreciated all the ideas and insights from everyone. Living in more environmentally friendly ways is a gift to ourselves and our chidlren that will continue on for generations....



Erica said...

I love the idea of getting together once a month!

Emily, I am so guilty of shopping out of boredom! Since Abby has been born and it's just gotten too hard to shop, I've found how little I actually spend now. It makes me wonder how much I used to buy did we actually need. And what in the world did I buy? I wasn't crazy or anything, but I definitely found things to get that we "needed." There are still times that I love to just go shopping alone and get myself a couple things, and it would be hard to give that up, but I'd be interested in reading and discussing the book.

This is so fun! I'm always looking for ways to become a better person. In the past few years that focus has been on being a better parent, and although going green is for my kids, it's for so much more too and that's a good feeling!

(Matt is going to LOVE this less-shopping thing!)

Sarah Michele said...

Yea! Sign me up. I would love a book club and a meeting up once a month! I also saw it on Oprah (don't feel guilty about watching Oprah!!), and it seems like we would all enjoy it.

Emily said...

Maybe we can pick a date in May to meet and discuss the book (mid to late May preferably). If people end up liking this, we could rotate book choosers every month or so and have a eco - book club (or any other kind of book club)

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.