Thursday, April 12, 2007

gDiaper dilemma

For the past few days, I have been attempting to use the gDiapers. I bought the starter pack and it has 10 flushable diapers, 4 liners and 2 washable pants. The very first one I used leaked after about 1.5 hours. Kind of annoying! So I change it (it took three flushes to get it flushed) and Abby decides to poop. I thought she was cleared out from the poopsplosion she had earlier, but NO... Surprisingly, it all stays in the diaper! Good sign, right? But then I had to clean it up... By the end of the 10 minutes of ripping the outer part, dumping the inner parts, flushing 5 times, digging out the outer part that wouldn't flush, redumping leftover inner parts and reflushing the outer parts again, I had pee and poop all over my hands as well as pee/poop splashes on my toilet. The plunger had to be used and I HATE PLUNGING!

I pretty much decided right there we aren't using gDiapers. But I had several flushables left, so of course I want to make use of them. I am able to keep it from leaking now (although I haven't had a poopy one again so I don't know about that). The only problem is the ripping, swishing and flushing! It is considerable more work to do that part. I am okay with that if I didn't have to flush so much and get pee on my hands every single darn time.

I am hoping with more practice it'll take two flushes at most (these low-flow toilets do not deal with all that stuff at once) and less mess! I really want to like these, since I've read they are the best option for the environment. I will report back when my 10 flushables are used up...

If you want to check them out, go to


Jennifer Krug said...

Did you try calling them for tips? On the website they said if you have problems you can call. Also, just trashing the liners although not as good as flushing wouuld still be better than disposables, don't you think?

Erica said...

I haven't called because I have the fit down. She doesn't leak at all now. It's just the flushing that is an issue and I believe it's from our low flow toilets. As far as pee and poo on my hands, I think that's inevitable. I just have to get more saavy at tearing those babies apart and the excrement touching should be down to a minimum :)

The more I use them, the more I like them. I think if I stick to them I will flush the outer part when I or someone goes to the bathroom next. No waste of water that way!

Sarah Michele said...

I just wanted to give you an A++++ for effort whether or not you stick with them . That is all... :)

Emily said...

Erica, your email cracked me up. Only because I have had the exact same experiences so many times of being covered in poo and pee. Ah, the joys of motherhood! Good for you for trying Gdiapers. They sound like a great idea minus the initial quirks you encountered. It looks like you can compost those inserts based on their video on their website. Just not the poopy ones because of the bacteria issue. Good Luck.

Jennifer Krug said...

I give you and A+++++ for effort too. Hope I didn't sound harsh. When I re-read my post I thought it might have read that way. Sounds like you're giving it a really good try, I'll be interested to hear your final call.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to add my encouragement also. Since our son was born in January, we've been using gDiapers and believe them to be an excellent compromise between disposables and cloth. While the learning curve was steep for us too, and we still experience the occasional leak or messy flush, in the end, practice makes this diaper option almost perfect for us. Cleanup is admittedly a little more involved than with disposables, but no worse than it would be with cloth diapers. And we also save up flushes so the water usage is less. I hope you stick with them - it does get better!

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