Saturday, April 14, 2007

Organic Cotton or Used

So I keep running my 1-a-day's past Calvin, thinking he might say something is a little too extreme... but so far I can't stump him, he's on board 100%! I'll keep trying. We're not going to buy clothes unless they are made of organic cotton, some other fiber that does not use pesticides, or it's used. Here's why...

I learned today (at the Green Expo) that cotton is one of the worlds most highly sprayed crops, making up 25% of insecticide use.

That got me thinking. Aside from the fact that I'd rather not have my family ingesting chemicals or possibly genetically modified food (if it's USDA approved it can't be genetically modified- I'll do a post on GMO when I have time), there are two other reasons I choose organic.

1) A big reason I buy organic food is for the environmental impact. The worst environmental impact I am aware of is chemicals finding their into our waterways.

2) The other reason I buy organic is the impact on the people who grow it. I think about the farm workers and the family owned farms. Both are affected by the large scale use of pesticides. I read today that farm workers at conventional farms are 6 times more likely to develop cancer than the average person. Check out for more info on exploited farm workers if you're interested. It's also my understanding that in many cases family farms do better when they go organic because they can sell their produce for more, allowing them to stay in business.

So I'm ready to branch out and buy not just organic food but other organic products as well.

There are a lot of great organic clothing web sites and retail stores out there. If I could I'd go on a shopping spree and support those companies and designers who are starting to change the industry. But money is a factor. I like shopping used. I think it's fun. So I'll find whatever I can used and then fill in the rest with new stuff. I'm looking forward to shopping. Honestly the best time I have clothes shopping is when I shop at Salvation Army. I feel like it's truly guilt-free shopping. The stuff is cheep, the money is going to a good cause, and I'm recycling. I realized that today Calvin, Brian, and I were all wearing stuff I got at Salvation Army. And it will be fun to find places to get new sustainable clothing.


Erica said...

What a huge step! Go Jennifer!

Just yesterday I passed two used clothes stores on Mendocino called Moxie (which Matt informed me is stuff like Abercrombie and Tommy Hilfiger) and I forget the other name but it was in the Jamba Juice shopping center across from the JC (very close to that community market). I was thinking how I should check it out.

Maybe a group used clothes shopping day is in order?

Sarah Michele said...

I'm up for a shopping day! I used to shop at the salvation army in high school to be "cool". I want to be cool again :)Those stores you mention Erica sound good!

Jennifer Krug said...

I'm up for a shopping trip!

Welcome Visitors!

If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.