Monday, April 23, 2007

Starbucks refillables

I know some of you used to work there, and most of us frequent it, so I thought I'd start my research here on the subject of "bring your own containers". I have seen people bring in their travel mugs to get coffee, but can that same principle work with iced chai's??
I will still go to SB periodically, but would love to have a reusable container.


Jennifer Krug said...

I've started bring in my to-go mug and an added bonus is you get more for your money! Most of the time even if I orger a tall they fill it up, which is actually a grande. :)

I noticed they have both hot and cold to-go cups at the SB next to Target. I was there yesterday with a friend. And no, I did not go to Target. Although, I am starting to miss it, just a little.

Erica said...

Yeah you can bring your own mug, thermos, whatever and you get $.10 off. The one thing is sometimes the workers will make a drink in a paper cup and pour it in your cup which defeats the purpose. When I worked there, I did this on occasion without thinking about it. I was thinking the people were bringing their own mug for their convenience, not to reduce waste.

And another thing is when you go through the drive-thru, the barista often won't make yours until they receive your cup. It slows the whole process, so they either use a paper cup or can skip yours 'til they get your cup, but the whole drink making system gets all messed with. An experienced barista won't have a problem, but how often do we get the inexperienced ones that screw up our drinks to begin with?!?! What is we throw in our own cup into the mix? :) So the drive-thru dilemma is something to think about. Maybe I'll ask what they do next time I go...

It can work with any drink. Just know the size of your cup, so they charge you correctly. I did this on Saturday and I have to say that it just doesn't have the same yummy coffee feeling to it... But I'll keep doing it.

Sarah Michele said...

I second what Erica has written.

Although we shouldn't care if they get annoyed or not, I do remember getting annoyed when people would use their personal cup through the drive-thru. It slows it all down, and like Erica said, usually the Barista (I was guilty of this too) will make it in a paper cup any way just to keep there "coffee making flow" going.

I suppose if you have your own cup, going in is the best its better not to idle in those long drive-thru lines anyway right? :)

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