Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I've always thought of procrastination as a bad thing, but I'm learning to make it my friend. Here's how. The way I used to shop could pretty much be described as "want it- go get it". Now I'm finding a new way. Want it, then wait. What I have noticed is that a few things happen during this waiting period.

*I find I don't really need it after all
*I find something else I already have that will fill the need
*The thing magically finds it's way into my life without me buying it (as a gift)

Now I will admit, the way I have found this works is kind of a combination of being lazy, cheep, overwhelmed, and not allowing myself to go to Target. But I think I stumbled upon something good.

Now I think I'll go fold some clothes.... nah!

1 comment:

Eco-Mom said...

That is how I try to be... not always successful! But I find your post so true. Mainly I find I don't really need it, and a lot of times, didn't really want it. I think a lot of my shopping is to fill boredom or some other void that day. I have been trying so hard (and somewhat successful) at getting rid of so much stuff, trying to minimize our things, and then to shop that way is so counterproductive (but fun)!

I have had my times at Target where I am piling up the cart with stuff not on my list (I stuck to my list last visit!), but as I stayed in the store, I would start to feel bad about it, knowing I didn't need it, and would put it all away. So, I guess there, procrastination of checking out was my saving grace!

I guess those boredom days I just need to do this "virtual" shopping.

There have been a few things that Sequoia and I wanted, said "we'll come back another time and get it" and it was no longer there and can't be found anywhere. It was never anything we really needed, just something we wish we had. So, again, not really a loss... just a little regret. :-)

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If you're reading for the first time, it may feel a bit like you've just walked into a conversation that has been going on for awhile.

So to catch you up...

Jennifer started this blog because she was going through the process of becoming more conscious of her lifestyle choices and had decided to "go green". As she talked to her friends she quickly realized that she was not the only one interested in making changes. The blog was born. We used this as a place to discuss things we've tried and to support each other in the journey.